


Business School Hub’s work hard to provide you with comprehensive guides, resources and learning materials so you can achieve your education and career goals. With our tools and resources, prospective students can make informed decisions about their career paths. Our editorial content is independent and unbiased based on well-researched content developed by our in-house team through meticulous comparisons of data, information available on databases, and educational institutions.

How We Earn

This disclosure statement is to ensure we are transparent about our methods of earning and the content that we provide.

We earn through advertisements sponsored by certain schools and colleges, and compensations from referrals we send to certain business school programs.

Our content that features advertisements is clearly marked as “ad”, “advertisement” or “sponsored” for you to distinguish between them. When prospective students interact with our website, tool, or select the sponsored business school or college listed on our website we may earn from the referral as compensation.

We make sure our recommendations about the business school, college, or university you select are clearly disclosed whether they are sponsored or not.

Editorial Independence

However, we make sure that our editorial independence is maintained and that recommendations to you are unbiased or uninfluenced by the earnings that we may gain from the institutions.

When we review business schools and universities, we collect information from international and national rankings, as well as refer to data from recognized and authoritative sources such as the National Center for Education Statistics, Common Data Set Initiative, and occupations from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

In addition, to remain impartial, we follow a rigorous editorial process to evaluate our content, assigned scores, the accuracy of the information, and the quality of our in-house staff. We rarely accept guest contributions because we have to maintain the fairness and integrity of our content.

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