
How to Find the Top Accounting Schools in Georgia

Bull sculpture at an accounting university in Georgia

Looking to find the best finance schools in Georgia? Let’s help you find some. 

A good school can make all the difference in any career. It builds you from the ground up and shows you the intricacies and complexities you might face in theory and in practice. That’s why it’s important to find the right accounting schools in Georgia—or anywhere else to become a good accountant. 

But Georgia is a big state, so which cities have the best finance schools in Georgia? This article will answer that question and more. But first, let’s talk about the important factors about getting an accounting degree in Georgia.


Why Choose an Accounting Degree?

Accounting degrees are highly flexible and provide great job opportunities. Think about all the fields and industries that require accountants to handle day-to-day finance aspects. That’s why people go for this particular degree as it is:

  • Easy to acquire;
  • Doesn’t require much training;
  • And has a pretty straightforward learning curve. 

Moreover, getting an accounting degree in Georgia is one of the most lucrative options for many people today. It helps not only because it’s affordable, but you can also easily find the nearest accounting colleges or universities that offer good courses, undergraduate degrees, and graduate degree programs for accountants in Georgia in general. 

Top 5 Accounting Schools In Georgia

Now that these aspects are out of the way let’s talk about the five best finance colleges and universities for accounting in Georgia. Here they are: 

1. University Of Georgia – Athens, Georgia 

There are many universities in the Empire State of the South, but the University of Georgia takes the title as the jewel of them all. This remarkable university has the choicest finance school courses in Georgia, and two of them fall under the accounting category. 

The Major in accounting is a B.B.A. degree with a concentration on finance and accounting. That’s why this degree is preferred by top accounting firms in Georgia as it features one of the best course curriculums in the state for bachelors:

  • Principles of Accounting I and II
  • Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I and II
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis
  • Intermediate Accounting I, II, and II

Then you have the Master of Accountancy program, which is considered one of the best MAcc programs in Georgia. The students can choose to take the course as:

  • Traditional 1-year MAcc
  • JD/MAcc
  • MAcc/M.S. Financial Planning

That means undergraduate students from U.G.A. can take an accelerated program without needing to spend five years for a master’s. 

2. Georgia State University – Atlanta, Georgia 

Georgia State University is one of the best institutions in the state. Located in the heart of Atlanta, GSU offers many great courses, and it’s known for affordability. The two best accounting university programs in Georgia this institution are: 

The B.B.A. In Accounting program is one of the finest bachelor’s degrees you can opt for in one of the best accounting schools in Atlanta. It’s a business administration school degree with a special focus on corporate and business accounting. That’s why it has great courses, and the curriculum includes:

  • Essentials of Financial Reporting I and II
  • Cost Managerial Accounting
  • Introduction to Federal Income Taxes
  • Accounting Information Systems

And as always, you can opt for the Masters of Professional Accountancy or MPAcc if you’re already a graduate. 

3. Georgia Southern University – Statesboro, Georgia

Georgia Southern University is one of the leading universities for accounting in the state of Georgia. This university is also known for being affordable, and it has many great programs. Two of those programs are accounting degrees called: 

The B.B.A. in Accounting is one of the best bachelor’s programs you can opt for in the state of Georgia. It has all the perks and features that you can hope for in a business administration program concentrating on accounting. That’s why the courses look like this:

  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Foundations of Business Analytics I and II
  • Strategic Management 
  • Principles of Corporate Finance 

And then you can always go for the Master of Accountancy option post-graduation—or if you’re already a graduate, this is one of schools that offer master’s in accounting

4. University of West Georgia – Carrollton, Georgia 

The University of West Georgia is another great option that offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in accounting in Georgia. The two programs here are called: 

The B.B.A. in Accounting isn’t a common business administration degree in Georgia. It focuses on the principles of finance and accounting, so the courses included are:

  • Business Communication
  • Principles of Accounting I and II
  • Principles of Macroeconomics/Microeconomics 
  • Statistics For business I and II

And if you’re a graduate, you can opt for the incredible Master of Professional Accounting degree at this university. 

5. Brenau University – Gainesville, Georgia

Brenau University in Gainesville is the best university in the city and one of the most prolific names in the Peach State. It also offers graduate and undergraduate programs, and they are called: 

The Online B.B.A. in accounting program is the best online accounting degree in Georgia today. It is accompanied by a similar Master of Accounting program. However, both programs can be taken on campus as well. 

Accounting Job Outlook and Salaries in Georgia

So, what should you expect after you graduate from one of the above accounting schools in Georgia. You will be happy to know that accounting is one of the steady-growing jobs all across the United States. That’s why it’s no different in Georgia as B.L.S. projects accounting job outlooks to grow 6 percent in the next 8 years. As for the pay, B.L.S. suggests the estimated annual mean wage for accountants to be around $86,000 in Georgia. 

As you can see in the chart above, it also tells us that there are 44,000 active accountants in the Peach State. While the location job quotient is around 1.02, with 9.96 jobs per thousand people. 

Source: B.L.S. Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics

This should help you understand the lucrative nature of accounting and the reason for many people joining accounting schools in Georgia.

Which One Should You Choose?

These are some of the best accounting schools in Georgia with outstanding programs. All of these programs are similar in one way or another, but they also have their unique traits which will help you launch a career in accounting. Therefore, it comes down to which one of these is the most affordable and nearest to you. 


All university logos from wikipedia.com

Feature image: unsplash.com

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